Patricia Polacco
- Just in Time, Abraham Lincoln
- Babushka's Mother Goose
- The Graves Family Goes Camping
- In Enzo's Splendid Gardens
- Picnic at Mudsock Meadow
- The Bravest Man in the World
- I Can Hear the Sun
- Appelemando's Dreams
- Ginger and Petunia
- Gifts of the Heart
- Mrs. Mack
- My Ol' Man
- Luba and the Wren
- Tikvah Means Hope
- Some Birthday!
- An A From Miss Keller
- Oh, Look!
- Someone for Mr. Sussman
- Remembering Vera
- Meteor!
- Bun Bun Button
- The Blessing Cup
- Mr. Lincoln's Way
- Because of Thursday
- Uncle Vova's Tree
- Betty Doll
- Rotten Richie and the Ultimate Dare
- Holes in the Sky
- Mr. Wayne's Masterpiece
- The Mermaid's Purse