Slavoj Žižek
- Like A Thief In Broad Daylight
- Five Lessons on Wagner
- An American Utopia
- Organs without Bodies
- What Does Europe Want?
- The Monstrosity of Christ
- Virtue and Terror
- The Courage of Hopelessness
- God in Pain
- On Belief
- The Art of the Ridiculous Sublime
- On Practice and Contradiction
- Enjoy Your Symptom!
- Event
- The Ticklish Subject
- The Puppet and the Dwarf
- The Fragile Absolute
- Gaze and Voice as Love Objects
- Theories of Race and Racism
- Lacan and Contemporary Film
- Lenin Reloaded
- Mythology, Madness, and Laughter
- Incontinence of the Void
- The Abyss of Freedom/Ages of the World
- A Defence of History and Class Consciousness
- Badiou
- The Universal Exception
- The Plague of Fantasies