Tamar Myers
- The Glass is Always Greener
- Monet Talks
- The Girl Who Married an Eagle
- Gilt by Association
- The Boy Who Stole the Leopard's Spots
- The Cane Mutiny
- Statue of Limitations
- Splendor in the Glass
- Tiles and Tribulations
- Baroque and Desperate
- Nightmare in Shining Armor
- So Faux, So Good
- Butter Safe Than Sorry
- Estate of Mind
- A Penny Urned
- The Ming and I
- The Hand That Rocks the Ladle
- Grape Expectations
- Batter Off Dead
- As the World Churns
- Play It Again, Spam
- Thou Shalt Not Grill
- Eat, Drink, and Be Wary
- Hell Hath No Curry
- Assault and Pepper
- Just Plain Pickled to Death
- No Use Dying Over Spilled Milk
- ...And the Dying is Easy
- The Headhunter's Daughter