
The Novel

In this riveting novel, James A. Michener, America's preeminent bestselling author, plunges us into the exciting world he knows so well: the world of books. Here is the fascinating story of a writer, editor, critic, and reader locked in a desperate scenario of life, death, love and truth.

Lukas Yoder, a novelist who has had a long, successful career, has written what he believes to be his final book — until tragedy strikes his community and he becomes obsessed with writing about it.... Yoder's editor must fight to preserve her integrity — and her author — as her firm becomes the target of a corporate takeover.... A critic who teaches literature near Yoder's hometown struggles with his feelings about Yoder's success, and his own ambitions.... And finally, a devoted reader helps Yoder solve the mystery that is destroying their community.

~from the back cover

  • Format
  • paperback
  • Pages
  • 448
  • Language
  • english
  • ISBN
  • 9780449221433
  • Genres
  • fiction, novels, writing, historical, literature, contemporary, drama, audiobook
  • Release date
  • 1992