
The Gods Trilogy (Discworld, #7,13,20)

The Discworld is, as everyone knows, and no one should now need to be told, flat. It rides through space on the back of four elephants* which, in turn, are standing on the shell of an enormous turtle.

But just because it is being borne through space on the back of a turtle, doesn't mean it doesn't need gods...

The Gods Trilogy is a bumper volume containing the complete text of three of Terry Pratchett's celebrated novels:


It isn't easy, being a teenage pharaoh: you're not allowed to carry money; uninhibited young women peel grapes for you and the Great Pyramid has just exploded because of paracosmic instability . . .


Brutha is the Chosen One. His god has spoken to him, admittedly while currently in the shape of a tortoise; and Brutha now has a mission.


It's the night before Hogswatch ... and it's too quiet. There's snow, there're robins, there're trees covered with decorations, but there's a notable lack of the big fat man who delivers the toys ... He's gone.

*There used to be five, but that's another story entirely

  • Format
  • hardcover
  • Pages
  • 758
  • Language
  • english
  • ISBN
  • 9780575070363
  • Genres
  • fantasy, fiction, audiobook
  • Release date
  • 2000