
Environmental Ethics: An Anthology


Environmental Ethics: An Anthology" brings together both classic and cutting-edge essays which have formed contemporary environmental ethics, ranging from the welfare of animals versus ecosystems to theories of the intrinsic value of nature.


An overview of environmental ethics by Clare Palmer

The land ethic by Aldo Leopold

Is there a need for a new, an environmental, ethic? by Richard Sylvan (Routley)

Not for humans only : the place of nonhumans in environmental issues by Peter Singer

Animal rights : what's in a name? with a brief extract from The case for animal rights by Tom Regan

The ethics of respect for nature by Paul W. Taylor

Is there a place for animals in the moral consideration of nature? by Eric Katz

Can animal rights activists be environmentalists? by Gary E. Varner

Against the moral considerability of ecosystems by Harley Cahen

The varieties of intrinsic value by John O'Neill

Value in nature and the nature of value by Holmes Rolston III

The source and locus of intrinsic value : a reexamination by Keekok Lee

Environmental ethics and weak anthropocentrism by Bryan G. Norton

Weak anthropocentric intrinsic value by Eugene Hargrove

Moral pluralism and the course of environmental ethics by Christopher D. Stone

The case against moral pluralism by J. Baird Callicott

Minimal, moderate, and extreme moral pluralism by Peter S. Wenz

The case for a practical pluralism by Andrew Light

Deep ecology : a new philosophy of our time? by Warwick Fox

The deep ecological movement : some philosophical aspects by Arne Naess

Ecofeminism : toward global justice and planetary health by Greta Gaard and Lori Gruen

Ecological feminism and ecosystem ecology by Karen J. Warren and Jim Cheney

Beyond intrinsic value : pragmatism in environmental ethics by Anthony Weston

Pragmatism in environmental ethics : democracy, pluralism, and the management of nature by Ben A. Minteer and Robert E. Manning

The ethics of sustainable resources by Donald Scherer

Toward a just and sustainable economic order by John B. Cobb, Jr.

Ethics, public policy, and global warming by Dale Jamieson

Faking nature by Robert Elliot

The big lie : human restoration of nature by Eric Katz

Ecological restoration and the culture of nature : a pragmatic perspective by Andrew Light

An amalgamation of wilderness preservation arguments by Michael P. Nelson

A critique of and an alternative to the wilderness area by J. Baird Callicott

Wilderness — now more than ever : a response to Callicott by Reed F. Noss

Feeding people versus saving nature? by Holmes Rolston III

Saving nature, feeding people, and ethics by Robin Attfield

Integrating environmentalism and human rights by James W. Nickel and Eduardo Viola

Environmental justice : an environmental civil rights value acceptable to all world views by Troy W. Hartley

Sustainability and intergenerational justice by Brian Barry

Democracy and sense of place values in environmental policy by Bryan G. Norton and Bruce Hannon

Environmental awareness and liberal education by Andrew Brennan