
Listen Humanity

"Listen, Humanity" takes the reader into the very heart of the life of India and, through the sympathetic interpretation of a western businessman's mind, describes a series of meetings between Avatar Meher Baba and his followers. Part I recreates the lines and atmosphere of these meetings, immersing the reader in the delicate balance of humor and pathos, activity and quiet that was achieved. Part II of this volume sets forth the enduring philosophy of life and death, sleep and waking, war and peace, slavery and freedom that Meher Baba clarifies in simple terms for all of us today. The final part of "Listen, Humanity" is devoted to the challenges involved in the deep relationship between master and devotee. How does the pupil determine for himself that this is the path that he must tread, and this is the man in whose hands he should put the guide-reins of his life?

  • Format
  • hardcover
  • Pages
  • 288
  • Language
  • english
  • ISBN
  • 9780824517311
  • Release date
  • 1998