
Letters To A Future Church

Exiled on the island of Patmos, the apostle John found himself one day in the presence of the Son of God. As he fell down to worship, the apostle was commanded to write what he saw and heard, and to record and send messages to seven churches, encouraging them and challenging them in the way of the Lord. That was then; this is now. What might the Spirit say to our churches today? What might the Spirit be saying to you? Chris Lewis and the Epiphaneia Network put that question to their friends. This book includes some of the responses they got. With contributions from such significant voices as

Andy Crouch

Ron Sider

Tim Challies

Peter Rollins

Sarah Lance

Makoto Fujimura

and others, Letters to a Future Church paints a portrait of the world as we have it and the mission we have in it. You may find your calling in this book; you may even find your own voice.