
The Prince of Lies

Elizabethan spy Mal Catlyn has everything he ever wanted — his twin brother Sandy restored to health, his family estate reclaimed and a son to inherit it — but his work isn’t over yet. The guisers’ leader, Jathekkil, has reincarnated as the young Prince Henry Tudor, giving Mal a chance to eliminate his enemies whilst they are at their weakest.

With Sandy’s help Mal learns to harness his own magic in the fight against the renegade skraylings, but it may be too late to save England. Schemes set in motion decades ago are at last coming to fruition, and the barrier between the dreamlands and the waking world is wearing thin...

  • Format
  • paperback
  • Pages
  • 536
  • Language
  • english
  • ISBN
  • 9780857662811
  • Genres
  • fantasy, historical, fiction, magic, adult
  • Release date
  • 2013