
Cautionary Verses

416 pages of moral instruction!

Seven books in one!

381 inspiring pictures!

The English-speaking world is divided into those who have already learned and inwardly digested Hilaire Belloc's cautionary verses, and those for whom that pleasure is still in store in the pages of the present volume. All the seven original books are here reprinted together, with all the original edifying illustrations by B.T.B. and Nicolas Bentley. The original square album format has been retained.

The world will be undeniably a worse place when Freud supersedes Belloc, and children and their maladjusted parents are no longer brought up on these moral rhymes. The publishers therefore dare to hope that common sense may prevail and this collected volume remain a standard article of British nursery furniture for hundreds of years to come.

  • Pages
  • 190
  • Language
  • english
  • ISBN
  • 9780872432345
  • Genres
  • poetry
  • Release date
  • 1998