

Perhaps the hardest thing about following Christ is translating our good intentions into deeds. Christ calls us, and we yearn to answer him, but time and again we lose resolve. Is discipleship possible amid the stresses of modern life? Can Christ bring about lasting change in our lives? How can we be centered on him, when everything seems to pull us apart?This book offers hard-won insights into the challenges of living for Christ in the nitty-gritty of daily life. Many of the selections offer answers to specific needs or problems. Others grapple with broader themes such as the importance of community. All of them pulsate with conviction and compassion, and all of them radiate hope.

Henri J. M. Nouwen

A tough, prophetic book in a time in which few people dare to speak unpopular but truly healing words.

Richard McSorley, SJ, Georgetown University

Anyone who is interested in union with God in his daily life will find Discipleship valuable. Along with The Imitation of Christ and the Sacred Scriptures themselves, Arnold's writings are a treasure from which flows a spring of living water to nourish the soul.

Spencer Perkins, author, More Than Equals

Discipleship may contain more basic truth than some can handle. But for those who understand that following Jesus means swimming against the stream of popular culture, it will be a source of strength and sustenance.

  • Format
  • paperback
  • Pages
  • 282
  • Language
  • english
  • ISBN
  • 9780874860665
  • Genres
  • faith, religion
  • Release date
  • 1996