
The Year's Best Fantasy Stories 2


* "The Year in Fantasy" (Lin Carter)

* "The Demoness" (Tanith Lee)

* "The Night of the Unicorn" (Thomas Burnett Swann)

* "Cry Wolf" (Pat McIntosh)

* "Under the Thumbs of the Gods" (Fritz Leiber)

* "The Guardian of the Vault" (Paul Spencer)

* "The Lamp from Atlantis" (L. Sprague de Camp)

* "Xiurhn" (Gary Myers)

* "The City in the Jewel" (Lin Carter)

* "In 'Ygiroth" (Walter C. DeBill, Jr.)

* "The Scroll of Morloc" (Clark Ashton Smith and Lin Carter)

* "Payment in Kind" (Caradoc A. Cador)

* "Milord Sir Smiht, the English Wizard" (Avram Davidson)

* "The Year's Best Fantasy Books" (Lin Carter)

  • Format
  • paperback
  • Pages
  • 192
  • Publisher
  • Language
  • english
  • ISBN
  • 9780879972486
  • Genres
  • fantasy, anthologies
  • Release date
  • 1976