
The Price of Power


The demon Maelfesh is angry...

The beautiful Princess Julia has been changed into a most ill-tempered wolf...

her father, the island King, is a prisoner of his own power...

Young shaman Mika, pride of the Wolf Nomads, does not realize his deadly peril...

Welcome to Greyhawk, land of magic and danger, where a perilous mission of honor is threatened by a never-ending onslaught of new and fantastic creatures — harpies and rust monsters, rabid troll wolves, the aboriginal Flannae folk, and invincible dark forces...

The Price of Power is the fourth in the best-selling series of novels about the WORLD OF GREYHAWK game setting. Rose Estes is the creator of the classic ENDLESS QUEST series published by TSR, and the author of Master Wolf, the first book in the continuing GREYHAWK Adventures saga of Mika, shaman of the Wolf Nomads.

  • Format
  • paperback
  • Pages
  • 316
  • Language
  • english
  • ISBN
  • 9780880384582
  • Characters
  • Mika-oba
  • Settings
  • Greyhawk
  • Genres
  • fantasy, fiction, gaming, games
  • Release date
  • 1987