

Nearly seven hundred years ago the Italian poet Dante wrote The Inferno, an epic tale of the fate awaiting doomed souls in the underworld. Now the story continues....

Thomas Travis had always thought the toughest streets in the ghettos of Atlanta were next door to hell. But he didn't know just how close they were until the threat of racial violence sent him fleeing down the stairs of on abandoned building... only to fall headlong into a tortured realm of fire and ice, the place of the damned the ancients called Gehenna.

The only chance of escape was to trust the strange elderly woman who met him there and insisted on being his guide. She claimed to know the way out, but it would lead through all the terrifying circles of divine judgement, each one deeper and more tormenting than the lost. And in the lowest pit lay waiting the Lord of Darkness himself.

  • Format
  • paperback
  • Pages
  • 275
  • Language
  • english
  • ISBN
  • 9780884193241
  • Characters
  • Thomas Travis
  • Release date
  • 1993