
Weird Tales 1

A collection of the kind of stories that might have appeared in the old Weird Tales magazine. This contains some very interesting pieces by Robert E. Howard, Clark Ashton Smith, and David H. Keller. These are mostly either unpublished works by folks who wrote for the original Weird Tales, or new stories by people like Ramsey Campbell in the same vein.


* "Editorial" (Lin Carter)

* "Scarlet Tears" (Robert E. Howard)

* "Down There" (Ramsey Campbell)

* "The Light From the Pole" (Clark Ashton Smith and Lin Carter)

* "Someone Named Guibourg" (Hannes Bok)

* "Annals of Arkya: 1. The Courier" (poem) (Robert A. W. Lowndes)

* "Annals of Arkya: 2. The Worshippers" (poem) (Robert A. W. Lowndes)

* "Bat's Belfry" (August Derleth)

* "The Pit" (Carl Jacobi)

* "When the Clock Strikes" (Tanith Lee)

* "Red Thunder" (poem) (Robert E. Howard)

* "Some Day I'll Kill You!" (Seabury Quinn)

* "Healer" (Mary Elizabeth Counselman)

* "The House Without Mirrors" (David H. Keller, M.D. )

* "Dreams in the House of Weir" (Lin Carter)

  • Format
  • paperback
  • Pages
  • 288
  • Language
  • english
  • ISBN
  • 9780890837146
  • Genres
  • horror, fantasy, anthologies, fiction
  • Release date
  • 1981