
Interwoven: A Pioneer Chronicle

Sallie Reynolds Matthews wrote Interwoven for her children, not realizing that her modest account of family history would become a classic frontier memoir from a woman's perspective. This is a book about pioneering on the Brazos in the years following the Civil War, during the era of Texas's Cattle Empire. It's a story about two families who built ranches in West Texas and intermarried to form a dynasty. And woven into this chronicle of the plains is the story of Sallie Reynolds the girl and Mrs. Sallie Reynolds Matthews the young wife and mother as Texas entered the twentieth century.

Sallie Reynolds Matthews writes from the perspective of a woman intent upon embodying the strength and gentleness required of a wife and business partner. She describes traveling by wagon through the wilds, encountering Indians, and setting up housekeeping with little more than buckets, blankets, and cast-iron cookpots. Tragedy and illness often visited the interwoven Matthews and Reynolds families, but those who settled on the Clear Fork of the Brazos River — the Lambshead range — put down roots that tornadoes, droughts, Indians, and disease could not dislodge. As her memoirs so clearly show, Sallie Reynolds Matthews had an intelligence, warmth, and zest for life that nourished her family through difficult times.

  • Format
  • hardcover
  • Pages
  • 248
  • Language
  • english
  • ISBN
  • 9780890961230
  • Genres
  • history, memoir
  • Release date
  • 1982