

Family drama can be found anywhere: in kitchens, in cafes. Derelict hotels, showground rides. Even dungeons far below ruined Hungarian castles. (Okay, especially in Hungarian dungeons.)

Old family fights can go on forever, especially if you’re undead. If an opportunity came to save someone else’s family, the way you couldn’t save your own, would you take it?

Your family might include ghosts, or zombies, or vampires. Maybe they just have allergies. Nobody’s perfect.

Family history can weigh on the present like a stone. But the thing about families is, you can’t escape them. Not ever. And mostly, you don’t want to.


Table of Contents

Introduction by Seanan McGuire



The Truth About Brains


  • Format
  • paperback
  • Pages
  • 124
  • Language
  • english
  • ISBN
  • 9780987216205
  • Genres
  • horror, fantasy, paranormal
  • Release date
  • 2012