
Multiples Illuminated: A Collection of Stories and Advice from Parents of Twins, Triplets and More

A Must-Have, First-of-Its-Kind Book Filled With Honesty and Wisdom From Parents of Multiples

Did you just discover that you are pregnant ... with twins, triplets or more? Are you wondering how you will cope caring for more than one baby?

Multiples Illuminated dives deep into the world of raising multiples with beautiful stories and helpful advice. In it, you will find essays on:

· Finding out and coping with a multiples pregnancy

· Stories of labor and delivery

· Stories from the NICU

· Breastfeeding best practices for multiples

· Surviving the infant and toddler stages

Multiples Illuminated is a compelling collection of stories from writers and parents of multiples, as well as expert advice that is a must-have for all parents and grandparents of multiples. Having multiples is one of the most wonderful and challenging experiences you will have in your life. Whether you’re expecting multiples, or a few years into the multiples club, you will find stories you love in Multiples Illuminated.