
New Worlds: An Anthology

From its beginnings as a fanzine before World War II, New Worlds struck out on a different path. In the postwar years, under the editorial direction of Michael Moorcock, the magazine published more award-winning stories than any other science fiction publication; it achieved a unique cross-fertilization between sci-fi and mainstream literature and became the vanguard of the "New Wave" writing that stood sci-fi on its head in the 1960s. It was banned, it received grants, and it became the subject of debate in the Houses of Parliament. Moorcock introduced a broad readership to writers whose names would endure, such as Samuel Delany, M. John Harrison, J. G. Ballard, D. M. Thomas, Harlan Ellison, Brian Aldiss, Fritz Leiber, John Brunner, Norman Spinrad and many others.


Gravity by Harvey Jacobs

Concentrate 3 by Michael Butterworth

Dr. Gelabius by Hilary Bailey

Four-colour problem by Barrington Bayley

Running down by M. John Harrison

Eye of the lens by Langdon Jones

Assassination weapon by J.G. Ballard

Heat death of the universe by Pamela Zoline

Valve transcript by Joel Zoss

Tank trapeze by Michael Moorcock

Angouleme by Thomas M. Disch

Scream by Giles Gordon

Masterson and the clerks by John T. Sladek

Multi-value motorway by Brian W. Aldiss

Traveller's rest by David I. Masson

A landscape of shallows by Christopher Finch

Disaster story by Charles Platt

Conversations at Ma Maia Metron by Robert Meadley

No direction home by Norman Spinrad

Mr. Black's poems of innocence by D.M. Thomas

Soft world sequence by George MacBeth

Space hopping with Captain God by John T. Sladek

Scholia, seasoned with crabs, Blish is by John Clute

Sweet analytics by M. John Harrison

A literature of acceptance by James Colvin

Alphabets of unreason by J.G. Ballard

Language mechanisms by Christopher Finch

Languages of science by David Harvey

Circle of the white horse by Francis Arnold