
Gundam Wing: Episode Zero

Series Description: A new chapter in the Gundam Wing saga unfolds! Resourceful young pilots from the colonies — including a war orphan, a former child assassin, and the child of a traveling circus — answer the call to fight back against the tyrannical United Earth Sphere Alliance! Before the outbreak of the colony war, forces were working to shape the future and prepare its players, the Gundam pilots, for war. As children, each of the pilots — Duo, Heero, Trowa, Quatre, and Chang — endured extraordinary hardships. This episode visits their youth when the events of a universe gone mad makes desperation just another part of daily life!

  • Format
  • paperback
  • Pages
  • 249
  • Language
  • english
  • ISBN
  • 9781569319949
  • Genres
  • manga, fiction, comics, action, shonen
  • Release date
  • 2003