
My So-Called Normal Life

Twenty-three years old and fresh out of college, in love with her boyfriend Nick, and having just started a great new job as assistant editor at Glamour magazine, Erin Zammett was looking forward to a future of unlimited promise — until she was confronted by the one experience that no person, young or old, is ever prepared to face.  A routine checkup by her doctor seemed to indicate that she was in perfect health, until she was called back just a day later to be told that a blood test revealed she had a type of cancer, Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia, the only known treatment for which was a bone marrow

transplant; without treatment, she had roughly five years to


After the initial shock wore off, and with the support of her family and friends, her own inner strength, and a recently

approved experimental drug, Zammett immediately began the journey that would lead her to recovery.  She began to document her experiences to provide an outlet for the thoughts that came rushing to confront the brave new world she had entered, and the result, My So-Called Normal Life, is a memoir of unparalleled candor and poignancy, encompassing much more than leukemia and the battle to overcome it.  Above all, it's the story of a twenty-something living her dream life amid the unlimited excitement and adventure of Manhattan and confronting the challenges of life and her new job — battling cancer-with unbounded courage and optimism.

  • Format
  • hardcover
  • Pages
  • 270
  • Language
  • english
  • ISBN
  • 9781585676439
  • Genres
  • memoir
  • Release date
  • 2005