
Cherish the Flame

Valerie Baker had left her hometown after graduating from college to find a job in her area of expertise in Detroit. She landed a position as an apprentice chemist at Price Industries. She also met and fell in love with Alexander Price, but his father, Michael Prince, had his own plans for his son's future, and he tries to convince Valerie that she could never fit into Alex's world. When that ploy doesn't work, he uses the information he's gleaned from a private investigator to finally force her to break it off with Alex and return to her home and family. When Alex questions why Valerie has left him, lies are told and secrets are kept. Alex is devastated to learn that the woman he loves has left him. Over the next eight years Alex turns into a wiser, but cynical man making Price Industries his main focus in life. When he finally learns that Valerie was in need and extremely vulnerable, Alex couldn't pas up the chance to step in and bail her out. Now that he had her under his control, he would finally make her alone for her past sins as he saw fit...

  • Format
  • paperback
  • Language
  • english
  • ISBN
  • 9781585712212
  • Release date
  • 2007