
Gravel, Volume 1: Bloody Liars

A former soldier and current combat magician, William Gravel returns to England to exterminate the corrupt occult hierarchy.

Magic... the kind of magic that can strip the skin from a screaming man's skull, or direct the path of a shrieking bullet through a maze of city streets. This is not just magic. This is Combat Magic. Sergeant Major William Gravel, Warren Ellis' cult-hit sensation from the pages of STRANGE KISS and STRANGE KILLINGS, is a Combat Magician and an S.A.S. soldier. Home from wartorn Afghanistan to London, he just wants to relax and have a pint. Instead, he finds that another has taken his place in the mysterious enclave of Britain's seven Occult Detectives, each of which now holds a scrap of the Sigsand Manuscript, a supernatural device that could bestow its wielders with vile and terrifying power. So the pint will have to wait... a few people need killing first.

  • Format
  • paperback
  • Pages
  • 192
  • Language
  • english
  • ISBN
  • 9781592910694
  • Genres
  • comics, fantasy, horror, comix, fiction, thriller, action
  • Release date
  • 2005