
Second Time Around

Come experience a lottery unlike any other. The prize is not money, or a new car, or a trip to Bermuda. The prize is utterly priceless: time.

    The annual Time Lottery offers its winners a chance to go back into their pasts and change something — make a different choice. 

    In this sequel to the Christy-award winning "Time Lottery", David Stancowsky, Vanessa Caldwell, and Lane Holloway win the chance to do just that. 

* Can contractor David stop the love of his life from dying? 

* Can college student Vanessa break the patterns of family dysfunction before she makes a terrible mistake? 

* Can movie star Lane find true happiness when she returns to her life before she was famous? 

      Follow their journeys as they travel back into their lives and totally immerse themselves in their pasts, exploring what could have been — fully immersed, without memory of what happened the first time, or the life they've left behind in the future. They live their second-chance lives without the encumbrances of memory or the benefit of future lessons learned.

     At the culmination of their visit — after making their different choice — they experience Dual Consciousness, fully seeing their new past as well as remembering how it played out the first time around. They also remember what they've left behind in the future and face questions about what kind of future might evolve out of this new choice. One is known. The other is not.

     With all of this knowledge, they are given one more monumental choice: should they stay in their new reality (their Alternity) and live out their lives amid their new choice and its unknown ramifications and outcomes? Or should they return to life as they know it in the future, their lives made richer from the Time Lottery experience?

     What would you do? What life choice would you like to explore?

     Think about it...

  • Format
  • paperback
  • Pages
  • 381
  • Language
  • english
  • ISBN
  • 9781593104788
  • Genres
  • christian, fiction, contemporary
  • Release date
  • 2004