
Borneo (Lonely Planet Guide)

Wild orangutans swing through jungle canopies, Irrawaddy dolphins play in the shimmering waters of the South China Sea and saltwater crocs watch boats gliding down the river in search of Dayak longhouses. Daniel Robinson, Lonely Planet Writer

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You can trust our travel information because Lonely Planet authors visit the places we write about, each and every edition. We never accept freebies for positive coverage, and you can rely on us to tell it like we see it.

Inside This Book

54 maps

427,500km of jungle adventures

25 spectacular dive sites

112 days of on-the-ground research

In-depth background

Clear, easy-to-use maps

Adventure Borneo planning feature

At-a-glance practical info

Comprehensive planning tools

Easy-to-read layout

  • Format
  • paperback
  • Pages
  • 332
  • Language
  • english
  • ISBN
  • 9781741792157
  • Genres
  • travel
  • Release date
  • 2011