
Lonely Planet Morocco

Morocco exudes Maghrebi mystique, with medina lands leading to souqs and riads, camels disappearing into the Sahara and Berber villages perched in the High Atlas. Grab a mint tea and enjoy the show. James Bainbridge, Lonely Planet Writer

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You can trust our travel information because Lonely Planet authors visit the places we write about, each and every edition. We never accept freebies for positive coverage, and you can rely on us to tell it like we see it.

Inside This Book

4 authors

137 days of on-the-road research

103 maps

411 cups of mint tea

Inspirational photos

Clear, easy-to-use maps

Pull-out city map

Trekking feature

Comprehensive planning tools

In-depth background

  • Format
  • paperback
  • Pages
  • 552
  • Language
  • english
  • ISBN
  • 9781741795981
  • Genres
  • travel
  • Release date
  • 2011