
Creaturely and Other Essays

"The author puts forward a bracing theory of partial empathy....Johnston's searching book of thought-probes goes a long way toward allowing the reader the grounding that would allow him to make empathic contacts with the animals over which he ponders....Each time another animal becomes extinct a special and irretrievable way of looking at the world is gone....Perhaps the more people that read this book, the more this absence would be poignantly felt." — The Brooklyn Rail

"Creaturely, like its subjects, eludes definition. It's a book of exquisite essays — or are they prose poems — that tessellate into something larger: a meditation, perhaps, or a vision. Johnston's subject is at once the absolute otherness of the creatures with whom we share the world's everyday spaces — dogs, owls, mice, squirrels, crows — and the worth of our attempts to get to know them. Modest, calm, and beautiful, this is an exceptional book." — Robert Macfarlane

Devin Johnston teaches at St. Louis University. He was named a finalist for the 2008 National Book Critics Circle Award for Sources, published by Turtle Point Press.

  • Format
  • paperback
  • Pages
  • 128
  • Language
  • english
  • ISBN
  • 9781933527222
  • Genres
  • essays, nature
  • Release date
  • 2009