
The Evolution of Love

A devastating earthquake has just hit the San Francisco Bay Area, cutting off the outside world completely. When Lily decides to fly from Nebraska to California and make the treacherous journey into the Bay Area to find her sister, she knows she's headed for a disaster zone, but nothing prepares her for what she finds.

Those who survived and didn’t evacuate are making shelters, running meals programs, rigging their own technologies―and redefining the very meaning of community. Lily bands together with a couple of feral kids, a steadfast activist, and a bonobo researcher, among others, to forge a new life.

A piercing, unforgettable story of hope in the face of crisis, The Evolution of Love asks what does it take for people to come together, what dangers must they fend off in their bid for survival, and what lengths will they go to rebuild home.

  • Format
  • paperback
  • Pages
  • 280
  • Language
  • english
  • ISBN
  • 9781945572838
  • Genres
  • fiction, lgbt, queer
  • Release date
  • 2018