The Chalet School (1967–2007)
- The Chalet School and the Island (1967)
- Althea Joins the Chalet School (1969)
- Carola Storms the Chalet School (1970)
- Three Go to the Chalet School (1979)
- Excitements at the Chalet School (1981)
- The New Mistress at the Chalet School (1981)
- Ruey Richardson at the Chalet School (1984)
- Theodora and the Chalet School (1984)
- A Leader in the Chalet School (1985)
- Exploits of the Chalet Girls (1985)
- The Chalet School Wins the Trick (1985)
- The Feud in the Chalet School (1986)
- Tom Tackles the Chalet School (1987)
- Lavender Leigh at the Chalet School (1988)
- The Chalet School at War (1988)
- The Highland Twins at the Chalet School (1988)
- Gay Lambert at the Chalet School (1989)
- Two Sams at the Chalet School (1993)
- Jo to the Rescue (1994)
- The New House at the Chalet School (1999)
- Joey Goes to the Oberland (2004)
- A Future Chalet School Girl (2005)
- Changes for the Chalet School (2005)
- Joey and Co. in Tirol (2006)
- Challenge for the Chalet School (2007)