

His identity was a mystery, his past a blank, but he knew the beauty who'd saved his life was worth the risk

After trekking through the Rocky Mountains, surviving a head injury and the amnesia that followed, Jack Dalton couldn't imagine anything more healing than Caitlyn Morris and her remote cabin. Unfortunately, Jack's peace was shattered thanks to dangerous men toting guns and demanding answers. Although Jack had no idea who they were or what information he possessed, the thought of Caitlyn getting caught in the cross fire had him defending them against this unknown enemy. Still, Jack feared his true identity would add another deadly layer to his seemingly complicated past...and force Caitlyn to walk away. But whatever happened, he couldn't just let her go. Because regardless of his memory loss, Caitlyn was a woman he'd never forget.

  • Format
  • paperback
  • Pages
  • 224
  • Language
  • english
  • ISBN
  • 9780373695461
  • Characters
  • Jack Dalton, Caitlyn Morris
  • Genres
  • romance
  • Release date
  • 2011